Evangelism is that spirit-empowered activity whereby all disciples of Christ give an intentionaland verbal witness to Christ life, death, burial, and resurrection, exhorting unbelievers to repentof their sins and place their faith in Christ alone for salvation so that they may become his baptized obedient disciple.
Evangelism is:
The NGBF Evangelism Ministry is headed by the NGBF Evangelism Committee. A key role of theEvangelism Committee is to allow people who have not heard -- or have not yet accepted -- thegospel of Christ the opportunity to hear the gospel and respond to it. Another key role for theCommittee is to help the church become “intentionally evangelistic”. Intentional evangelism isa plan to specifically train people how to share the gospel and to help them discover how toincorporate evangelism in their daily lives.
The Objectives of the Evangelism Committee are:
1. To develop and maintain an evangelism awareness in the congregation.
2. To personally recognize Spirit-led opportunities to speak about Jesus Christ andprovide opportunities for the congregation to participate in evangelism.
3. To lead the members of the congregation to be aware of ways they can talkabout Jesus and invite other people to participate in evangelistic opportunities.
4. To maintain an active and on-going evangelism program.
5. To train people for personal witnessing.
6. To utilize and create special events as opportunities for evangelistic outreach.
7. To consider how best to use digital media as a part of evangelism strategy. Through prayer, hard work, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit the Committee anticipatessuccess in achieving its objectives.
**Anyone who would like to join or participate in the Evangelism Ministry
please SIGN-UP HERE or contact the church.